In 2023 eighty percent of global businesses reported targeting from phishing attacks of various types. With 3.4 billion phishing emails sent each day and the estimated cost of a successful attack coming in at over one million dollars, organizations need to adapt and prepare for the day when an unintentional click becomes a big problem.
These kinds of attacks come in various forms including fake login prompts on websites that appear legitimate, malware served through malicious attached files like word documents, and even nation state level exploits that can gain remote access to a machine through a single click. While more sophisticated attacks can be difficult or even impossible to spot and avoid, the vast majority of phishing comes with less sophistication and is easier to catch.
While phishing attacks won’t be slowing down anytime soon, there is plenty your organization can do to prevent collateral damage. Separating privileges of employees from high value systems, performing phishing exercises, and implementing sophisticated mail filtering with domain blacklists can mean the difference between a bad day and a shoulder shrug. Emerald can partner with your team to determine if employees are sufficiently trained in spotting phishing campaigns, and help to measure whether current filtering and monitoring systems are doing their job.